Our human-centered holistic approach helps clients connect, respect and reflect difference.

What we do

Through inventive workshops, candid conversations and team coaching—all rooted in neuroscience—we give individuals and organizations tools to make change sustainable. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all. Together, we create inclusion organically with a customized strategy designed to close equity gaps.

Managing ideological discriminiation


Ideological discrimination begins as a seed planted by information received, often times influenced by various forms of media that perpetuate stereotypes and become unconscious bias. Our solution to this level of discrimination is [a company called] Culture, which leverages intersectionality to support the ideation and execution of more culturally inclusive creative work.

As arbiters of culture with over 20+ years of experience in the advertising and media industry, our recruiters have amass a multi-faceted community of mid to Senior level executives prime to position DEI as a strategy that challenges the way business has been done. Our equitable approach to cultivating a diverse pipeline of talent means we prioritize and provide development opportunities for high potential professionals, from historically marginalized communities.

In exchange, organizations that seek to partner with The Adversity Group gain immediate access to a highly coveted, multicultural network of vetted industry professionals. While viable candidates within our ranks that seek to transition from freelance to full-time employment, are provided the support they need despite disparity gaps that may exist within the organization hiring them.

Modifying internalized discrimination


Internalized discrimination reflects how we see ourselves and disproportionately impacts those who have been historically marginalized. Yet within today’s workplace, many people managers lack the full gamut of skills needed to lead increasingly diverse teams. 

The Only One There specializes in neuroscience-based executive coaching and inclusive leadership development that empowers all levels of talent to accelerate their own advancement and helps managers lead with empathy and compassion as retention tools. Through curated assessments, prompted self-discovery and goal setting, our clients and workshop participants ultimately discover the power that exists within intention and their own experiences.

The Neethling Brain Instruments® (NBI®) is our preferred neuroscience assessment which helps illuminate thinking preferences as forms of unconscious bias. It serves as a reminder that there is value in difference, especially in how we think. In our NBI® Review & Exercises workshop, we teach participants self-awareness to improve interpersonal and communication skills as a first step in cultivating a culture that respects the perspectives of all.

Mitigating interpersonal discrimination


Interpersonal discrimination is often an indication of how we see others. Inside and outside of the workplace, it most commonly manifests as unconscious bias and microaggressions. In recent years, many organizations have inadequately addressed it with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) training.

Know-Isms is an interactive conversation series which transforms current events into meaningful discussions on intersectionality of multiple “isms. These media-led discussions are designed to foster greater empathy, provoke dialogue and help participants unpack the complexity of discrimination Offered in a large-scale format, these sessions encourage learning and connecting with others who offer a different point of view.

Minimizing institutional discrimination


Institutional discrimination allows those in power to leverage certain advantages for themselves. Within the workplace, programs and policies may keep equity gaps and the status quo in place – if left unchecked.

The Culture Diagnostic performed by The Adversity Group gathers and assesses data about work culture, by administering our proprietary Behaviors of Inclusion Survey, Organizational Health Assessment and Employer Brand, Employee Life Cycle & Metrics Audits. Working closely with the HR/People Team, this comprehensive process can take up to 5 months to complete. The outcome? Recommendations on more equitable policies, inclusive programs and measurable practices that align with future-facing goals.

Now that you know all The Adversity Group has to offer, let’s chat.